Principal Ponderings

PHEW!  What a week we have had!  Three of our Boys Volleyball teams qualified for the championships and we look forward to cheering them on this weekend.  We have been preparing for 1st Holy Communion this weekend so please pray for our first Communicants.  Finally, this week the St. Linus Players presented “Aladdin”!  The students had rehearsal early in the week and presented the show on Thursday to packed houses at Oakview Center.  The turnout was amazing and the audiences were outstanding.  Thank you to everyone who participated as well as those who attended the performances.  A big thank you to our production crew, Mrs. Haynes, Ms. Cunningham and Mrs. Brodsky. We are so lucky to have such talented people willing to work with our students and introduce them to the world of the performing arts.  A huge shout out to the parents who helped throughout the process but also those who helped us return all the costumes and props and set pieces to St. Linus after the show.  As my mother always said “Many hands make light work”!  Next week promises to keep us just as busy with Ribbon Ceremony, the Spring Concert, Portillos Night and of course The Hawky Tonk which should be lots of fun and a successful event will allow us to continue to provide music and theatre to our students on a daily basis.   So I’ll see you at church or on the football field enjoy your week and remember “It’s a great day to be a Hawk!”

About Margaret Hayes 744 Articles
I am upbeat and experienced educator who began as an elementary school teacher with Chicago Public Schools, and 14 years as an administrator at Queen of Peace High School and Maria High School before becoming the principal of St. Cletus Catholic School in La Grange, IL. I'm a St. Linus Alum, from the class of 1976. It's great to be home, and a GREAT day to be a Hawk!
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