Spring is in the Air!!!!

The sun was shining and the students went out for recess.  It was a glorious day.  Please remember that we will go out for recess any time the temperature is reasonable so make sure the students have hats and gloves to go outside.  This weekend our girls in 5,6, and 8th grades are playing in volleyball championships.  Please see the google calendar for place and time.  The girls would love to see you cheering them on.  Grace Gondela and Hana Mulcrone are taking their Science Fair project to the City Fair at the Museum of Science and Industry!  Let’s wish them luck!!!  Buona Beef lunch is open for ordering for March April and May!  Join us for our Ash Wednesday Prayer Service on March 6th at 10:00 if you are able.  Stations of the Cross start Friday, March 8th at 2:00PM in church.  We will have Stations every Friday that we are in school.  Don’t forget about Trivia Night on Saturday, March 9th.  Conferences are Thursday, March 14th.  Teachers will be asking parents to come in and see them specifically.  If you get a letter from your child’s teacher go to the website, enter the code and sign up for a meeting.  If you don’t get a letter you do not need to attend conferences.  Have a great weekend and Go Hawks!

About Margaret Hayes 740 Articles
I am upbeat and experienced educator who began as an elementary school teacher with Chicago Public Schools, and 14 years as an administrator at Queen of Peace High School and Maria High School before becoming the principal of St. Cletus Catholic School in La Grange, IL. I'm a St. Linus Alum, from the class of 1976. It's great to be home, and a GREAT day to be a Hawk!
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