October has been a busy month so far and that has made fall fly by! The Living Rosary was beautiful this past week. Thanks to everyone who helped make it a success. I spent a lot of time in classes this week and great things are happening. Junior High students are writing neverending stories in English that were fascinating. In Literature the students just completed a unit on short stories and their work hanging in the halls is unbelievable. Ask your kids about The Ransom of Red Chief, The Tell Tale Heart or the Gift of the Maji. Students are certainly getting excited for Halloween and the Veteran’s Assembly. I hope you can join us for the Halloween Parade and the Veteran’s Assembly. They are wonderful traditions that you don’t want to miss. Biographies were due in Library this week and I am looking forward to sitting in on some of the presentations next week. AR points are due November 1st. I have been talking to the 3-8 classes and reminding them that they can read anytime, here at home, at grandma’s house or the doctor’s office and then take their AR quizzes during Library or before school or during recess. Someone is in the Library every day except Friday so students can take AR quizzes. Please don’t forget to turn in your CANTS form if you haven’t already. Make sure you sign up for a Virtus class if you plan on coaching, chaperoning or helping out with parties you have to be Virtus trained. If you haven’t signed up for the Turkey Trot don’t forget to do so soon so that you get the early bird price. Check out our website if you get a chance. We have been updating the pictures and content recently so it is up to date. A big thank you to those parents and teachers who have been taking pictures, writing text and sending blurbs to us so we can keep the website fresh. We are still working on it but it looks great. Have a great weekend and enjoy the nice weather.