Boys Basketball is available for all St. Linus students enrolled in Grades 3 through 8. The lower grades, 3 through 5, are instructional in nature, while Grades 6 through 8 are generally more competitive. Players at all skill levels are welcome and encouraged to participate as middle school students. These players are evaluated and where registration numbers warrant, multiple teams formed based on an evaluation of basic basketball skills.
Registration takes place in September and the season runs from mid-November until early March. Our third grade teams play approximately 12 games in the Mt. Greenwood league. All other grades play 30 or more games across 2 leagues. The leagues currently available to our St Linus players include the Southside Catholic, South Suburban, or Mt. Greenwood leagues. In addition to regular season and play-off games, each team is entered into at least one tournament during the season. Teams, outside of the 3rd grade, participate in 2 practices and 2 games per week.
Visit the St. Linus Athletic Club (SLAC) website for more information on our winter sports and to register online, or look for a school reach call and an announcement on Going Green for upcoming in person SLAC registration nights at the Linus School gym. Payment is due registration night. Personal checks or cash are accepted.