7th grd Religion students take closer look at The Lord’s Prayer
The first 3 requests of the prayer Jesus taught us focus on the Glory of God, while with the last 4 requests focus on our needs.
The first 3 requests of the prayer Jesus taught us focus on the Glory of God, while with the last 4 requests focus on our needs.
Students in Junior High wrote essays about why they are blessed to attend a Catholic School specifically St. Linus. Jack Celauro and Danny Walczak were chosen to read their essays over the PA this morning […]
2nd graders celebrated Catholic Schools Week in many ways. Today we thanked our US Military service members by making cards and writing messages of gratitude and prayers for their safety.
We are so proud to have two Hawks of the week this week! Way to go Brody and Grace!
5th grade had a fun time looking at different plant and animal cells under the microscopes. They had to determine with their group what they thought each cell was, based on its color, […]
The fourth graders designed stamps to honor the Cherokee Indians in Social Studies. .
You are invited as our special guest on Sunday, January 27, 2019. Come to 9 am Family Mass and tour our school from 10:15 am -12 pm. New and prospective families are invited to get […]
With the expected snowstorm coming to Chicago and with Mrs. Dougherty’s class ending their Winter Wonderland theme this week, we decided to make our own snowstorm, but in a jar! We added oil, water, glitter, and […]
The St. Linus 2nd and 8th graders met with their Sacramental Buddies to create beautiful work that will decorate our hallways during Catholic Schools Week. Be sure to look for it when you visit during […]
Ms. Reynolds first grade class began learning about coding this week! These students are growing up around technology, therefore it is important that they understand this technology. Using the iPads, Room 16 learned how to […]
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