Hawks of the Week!
Congratulations to our Hawks of the Week! Liam Little (6), Luke Marzec (1), Nora Bruton (5)
Congratulations to our Hawks of the Week! Liam Little (6), Luke Marzec (1), Nora Bruton (5)
Congratulations to our Hawks of the Week! Vincent Harrington (3), Isaiah Delgado (1), Nieve Curran (2)
Congratulations! Anthony Hynek (1), Abby Mucino (K), Justin Nguyen (3)
Here are the Hawks of the last two weeks! Wyatt Bradel (2), Charlotte Elsea (4), Anthony Hynek (1) John Drousis (1), Molly Harrington (1), Lucy Gansel (1) Congratulations!
Conferences will be Monday, November 21 1-4PM and 5-7 PM Please click on the link below. Junior High Parents please see the email from the Junior High Team. Ms. Hayes https://www.ptcfast.com/schools/St_Linus
Congratulations to our Hawks of the Week! Stasia Dobill (1), Olivia Aceremo (6), Danny O’Grady (K)
Declan Brownlee (4), Kailani Taffe (1), Amelia Berkin (4)
Today we completed our mandatory bus drill. Thanks to Marist High School for loaning us the bus.
Join us for Welcome Back Day in the gym Thursday, August 18th from 4-7PM. Athletics, FTC, and Hawktoberfest will be there. Teachers will be in the rooms for a meet and greet and you can […]
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