Hawks of the Week!

November 23, 2020

Olivia O’Grady (3rd), Jake Folliard (1st), Anna Hynek (7th) All of these students were “Caught Being Kind”!

“Hawks of the Week”

October 30, 2020

Reagan Christopherson (1)                                Emmett Dougherty (3)                              […]

Hawks of the Last Two Weeks!!!

October 23, 2020

Here are our Hawks of the Week for the last two weeks! 10/16/2020 Danny Lally Healy (4th)                Aidan Dunneback (3rd)                 Maddie […]

Hawk of the Week! Last two Weeks!

October 9, 2020

Annabelle Nowatski (K), Griffin Dunaway (5), Adrian Maciaszek (1), Mackenzie Makinney (K), Evie Zawacki (3), Nathan Elsea (5) Way to go Hawks!!!

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