Classroom News
4th Graders Putting Technology to Good Use!
Here are some 4th graders in Ms. Pizur’s room using their Brightlink during math class!
Events at Mother McAuley
Jr High Symphony 2023 Shadow Day (10.9) 2023 GNO flyer 2023 Performing arts workshop 2023 Open House_Nov 2023 Jr High Art Workshop 2023
Homecoming Fun!!!
Here’s a spot of sunshine on a dreary day! The second graders celebrated Color Day by wearing yellow during our celebration of Spirit Week. Pictured here are: Tessa Garay, George Villasenor, Leo Garcia and Lucy […]
St. Laurence Open House
STL October Open House
Hawks of the Week!!!
Congratulations to our Hawks of the Week!! Michael McGrane (8), Lila Yerkey (5), Maggie Lavin (8)
St. Linus Daisies make a splash!
The Daisies had their first field trip today. They had a Water Safety presentation and a pool party.
Fr. Ryan Blessing Classes
Today after mass Fr. Ryan came over to school and blessed all of the classrooms! The students and teachers were very happy!
Math Games!! 6th Grade
After working for a month during MathLab on games related to their learning of Geometry, the 6th grade classes were able to set up and play the games their classmates made. All of the games […]
St Linus School Picnic
The end of the year picnic is next Tuesday 6/6 and we are looking for a few parent volunteers! If you are Virtus trained please consider helping out! go/4090e4da4a72faaff2- endofthe#/