Middle School Halloween Movie Night

October 17, 2018

6th-8th grade students are invited to a Halloween Movie night (Hocus Pocus) in the gym on 10/26/18 from 5-8pm   $10 admission fee includes the movie, hotdogs, chips and drinks middle school movie night

Ladies Night Out Vendor Fair

October 17, 2018

Join us November 2nd From 7-10 pm for a great night of shopping fun!   Over 40 vendors and 40 raffle baskets   $5 admission includes 1 raffle ticket. Additional raffle tickets are 6/$5 Open […]

3rd Annual Trunk or Treat!

October 17, 2018

Join us October 26th for our 3rd annual Trunk or Treat!   Set up starts at 5pm with trick or treating stating around 6pm. $5 per car. Great prizes for those voted the favorites by […]

Altar Servers Schedule November 5—11, 2018

October 9, 2018

Altar Servers Schedule November 5—11, 2018 Mon.—Fri. 7:00AM Mon. B. Kenny, K. Moran Tues. D. O’Grady, S. Kilroy Wed. Mark Wantuck, Jr., H. Stepek Thurs. C. Regan, R. Regan Fri. M. Panos, P. Panos Saturday […]

7th Grade Studies Greek Mythology!

October 9, 2018

Middle school literature class just completed their unit on Greek mythology! The seventh grade researched a character from the myths and reported back to the class. Eighth grade, however, got to create their own mythical […]

Things Are Brewing in Mrs. Keane’s Preschool Class

October 9, 2018

For the past two weeks Mrs. Keane’s 3 Year Old Preschool class has been learning all about apples.  We learned about how apples grow, painted with apples,tasted apples, created a bar graph with apples and we even brewed […]

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