Well Hawktoberfest was a huge success! The entertainment, food and company were first rate. A big thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make Hawktoberfest a success. The committee and all the wonderful volunteers. Next year I hope to see many more people helping out. As my mother always said “Many hands make light work.” You don’t have to be there all day but a couple of hours would be fantastic. We are looking forward to our next event, The Turkey Trot! it is time to Gobble gobble Run or Wobble on Saturday, November 16th. This event makes it possible to outfit our Junior High with Chromebooks each year. The Turkey Trot will also once again be in honor of our dear Erica Heilmann and will provide one of our 7th grade students with a partial scholarship for their 8th grade year here at St. Linus. Stay tuned 7th grade parents and students for more information about that. St. Linus was truly blessed to have Erica in our corner. She was a volunteer for St. Linus school before she had students here and continued literally right up until her untimely death last September. She set the bar high and we will always be grateful to her for all her support. Don’t forget there is no school tomorrow. We have a teacher in-service so enjoy your three day weekend and we will see you Monday ready for new busy week.