It’s like the meme says winter is an angry person who keeps stomping back into the room to say “And another thing!” I must say I was surprised to see the snow this morning but I am still holding out hope for an early wonderful Spring! We have lots going on next week Wednesday the 13th is the All School Mass at 9:30 AM join us if your able. Conferences are Thursday from 1-4 and 5-7. You do not have to attend unless a teacher sent you a letter requesting you make an appointment. If you want to attend contact the teacher and let her know right away so you can get a time. We have a half day Thursday and there is no after school extended day. Once again this year we are in the South Side Irish Parade. The Parade is Sunday, March 17th and we have a float and candy and House of Hawk flyers to pass out. We hope to see as many of you as possible in the parade. I will send home more details about times and meeting place when I have them. Finally, there is a new rule from the Archdiocese about training for coaches. All coaches now have to do Mandated Reporter Training as well as Virtus Training. You can do the Mandated Reporter Training online and when you complete it send me the certificate that you receive. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this. Below is the link for the training. Have a great week!