About Margaret Hayes
I am upbeat and experienced educator who began as an elementary school teacher with Chicago Public Schools, and 14 years as an administrator at Queen of Peace High School and Maria High School before becoming the principal of St. Cletus Catholic School in La Grange, IL. I'm a St. Linus Alum, from the class of 1976. It's great to be home, and a GREAT day to be a Hawk!
Contact: Website

Cherokee Stamps

January 17, 2018

While studying the Southeast people, the fourth graders are designing a stamp to honor the Cherokee people.

A Surprise For 2018!

January 12, 2018

When students came back in Grade One Room 14, they were so excited to see the growth on our sweet potato plant. At the end of the school year, one lucky student will take the […]

Christmas Around the World!

January 5, 2018

5th grade students are broadening their horizons with this Christmas research activity.  They are learning about different traditions, songs, foods, and names for Santa through this activity.  They loved learning to say Santa Claus and […]

PE with Mrs. Schifferdecker’s 3rd Grade

January 5, 2018

Mrs. Schifferdecker’s 3rd grade comes to Physical Education class first thing in the morning on both Wednesdays and Fridays. On a side note, studies of the brain have shown that having PE in the morning […]

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