Gobble Gobble Run or Wobble for Technology!!!!

October 2, 2018

It’s that time of year.  Here comes the 5K Turkey Trot.  November 17th to raise money for all of our wonderful technology especially our brand new Chrome Books! 5kFlyer 2018 2018 Manual Registration Form (1)

First Grade Nature Hunters

September 28, 2018

First Grade is learning all about living and non-living things. Here is Ms. Reynolds class with their Black Eyed Peas that they planted on Friday.

1st Grade STEM activity!

April 13, 2018

After reading The Three Little Pigs, 1st graders built a house for their pigs. Then the Big Bad Wolf blowdryer, tried to blow down their houses!  It was a fun, hands-on activity.

Principal’s Ponderings

March 9, 2018

What a great couple of weeks we have had here at St. Linus.  Stations of the Cross, a Wolves Game, a Science Fair, the Constitution test,Confirmation, a Valentine’s Dance and Valentine’s parties.  Not to mention […]

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