As we prepare for our 7th Annual Hawktoberfest we are again reaching out to ask for your support. In return for your financial assistance, we offered several advertising opportunities. Your business name and/or logo will appear on our website, weekly flyers, and on banners at our event.
With a donation of $100 or more, your business name will appear on the back of our Hawktoberfest t-shirts, which are worn by hundreds of adults and children throughout the school year. One hundred percent of your gift is tax deductible (please email stlinushawktoberfest@gmail.com if a tax receipt is desired). Please consider supporting Hawktoberfest and return the form linked above before September 2, 2017 so that we may give your business appropriate recognition.
Sponsorship Categories:
Platinum Sponsorship – $1,000 & Up
4 Comp. Entries, Announcement over PA at event, On-Site banner Signage – Prominent, Logo and hyperlink in Hawktoberfest Website, Logo on T-Shirt – Top of Back, Recognition through mass email and social media, 6 Weeks of Parish Bulletin Acknowledgment, Name and Logo on Jumpie Sponsor Sign, Logo on St. Linus School website.
Gold Sponsorship – $500 to $999
2 Comp. Entries, Announcement over PA at event, On-Site banner Signage, Logo in Hawktoberfest Website, Logo on T-Shirt, Recognition through mass email and social media, 4 Weeks of Parish Bulletin Acknowledgment, Name and Logo on Jumpie Sponsor Sign.
Silver Sponsorship – $250 to $499
1 Comp. Entry, Announcement over PA at event, On-Site banner Signage, Name in Hawktoberfest Website, Name on T-Shirt, Recognition through mass email and social media, 3 Weeks of Parish Bulletin Acknowledgment.
Hawk Sponsorship – $100 to $249
Announcement over PA at event, On-Site banner Signage, Name listed on back bottom of T-Shirt, 2 Weeks of Parish Bulletin Acknowledgment.
Family/Friend Sponsorship – $10 to $99
Announcement over PA at event, On-Site banner Signage.
Thank you for your time and consideration. We appreciate the fact that we live in a community where our neighbors value the education of our children, and volunteer to invest in the future of our neighborhood and our residents.
Download the application here: 2017 Hawktoberfest Sponsorship Form.