St. Linus Students Volunteer at Homeless Shelter

Helping the Homeless at Pilgrim Faith Church

The St. Linus St. Vincent de Paul Society brought along our Young Vincentians to Pilgrim Faith Church on 95th and 51st Avenue to volunteer their time on Thursday December 14. This is a local area Oak Lawn homeless shelter. Our St. Linus students passed out the warm socks they had stuffed with hygiene products during their last bi-weekly Monday meeting. The experience really touched their hearts. They also brought bags of goodies for the homeless children. The volunteer adults and students also helped set up beds and serve dinner for the many people who were seeking shelter that night. Mrs. Pyzik their facilitator told them that they were “really doing God’s work” that evening as they helped to bring Christmas cheer to people in need. 

Flower Delivery this Saturday

Tomorrow the Young Vincentians will assist the St. Vincent de Paul Society’s annual Christmas flower deliveries.  The kids will help deliver 88 flowers on Saturday morning to various people in our parish community who are homebound. The kids will team up with a student partner and travel with adult members to deliver flowers to our parishioners. Every year they are greeted with big smiles from grateful recipients.

Monday Christmas Party for Members

The Young Vincentians will be having their Christmas Pizza Party this Monday. Thank you to all our Young Vincentians for all your volunteer work so far this year. Young Vincentians meet every other Monday in the Cardiff Center and are open to children in 5-8th grades with parent consent.

About Margaret Hayes 754 Articles
I am upbeat and experienced educator who began as an elementary school teacher with Chicago Public Schools, and 14 years as an administrator at Queen of Peace High School and Maria High School before becoming the principal of St. Cletus Catholic School in La Grange, IL. I'm a St. Linus Alum, from the class of 1976. It's great to be home, and a GREAT day to be a Hawk!
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