St. Laurence Open House

September 28, 2021

“St. Laurence High School will be hosting an Open House on Sunday, October 3 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The event will include academic and financial aid presentations, student-led tours and areas to learn […]

Mum Sale

August 17, 2021

FTC is having a mum sale.  Here is the order form. St. Linus Mum’s Order Form 2021

Stations of the Cross-7th grade leaders

February 25, 2021

This week 7th grade is leading the school in the Stations of the Cross.  This week’s Stations is available on YouTube.  Our students continue to amaze me each week.

Rosary Making!

February 24, 2021

Our Junior High students are working with Mrs. Gute to make rosaries for local senior citizens and people in the hospital.  Way to go boys and girls.  They are also getting service hours for this.

NJHS Induction Ceremony

February 19, 2021

Thursday night our new NJHS candidates who missed out on their induction last year due to Covid restrictions were finally inducted into this most prestigious organization.  The students have worked very hard to gain entrance […]

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