Hello All,
To prepare for our upcoming FTC meeting on Wednesday, 3/13 at 7pm, please review the list of events that will be up for discussion:
· Box tops
· Trunk or Treat
· Halloween Parade
· Father Daughter Dance
· Trivia Night
· Mother/Son Nerf War
· Movie Nights
· Eat and Earns
· Book Fair
We will also discuss the following FTC Fundraisers:
· Yankee Candle
· Cookie Sales
· Treasure Days
We are looking for parent volunteers who would like to be event organizers for the 2019/2020 school year. The event organizer would be responsible for working with the FTC board in preparing and running of the event. The event organizer is required by the Archdiocese to be VIRTUS trained prior to the event. Father Mark usually schedules a training in September/October.
If there is another event or fundraiser that you would like to put forth to the group please complete the attached FTC Fundraiser/Event Request Form and bring to the meeting. This will allow us, as a group, to review new ideas and their viability for success. If you have suggestions on how to make any of the above events or fundraisers more successful, or how you would like to contribute/support, please come with those ideas too.
Survey results are in!!
We had a total of a 104 people complete the FTC survey. We received some great feedback! Here are a breakdown of the top results:
· Out of the 104 people that responded, 78 identified themselves as a FTC member
· 65% of FTC members identified as not having enough time in response as to why they are a member and do not attend meetings
· 51% of those that responded said they feel strongly that they are kept informed about FTC and its events and 90% prefer to be kept informed via email
· 41% of those that responded would be more likely to volunteer for FTC events that are at night
· 92% of those responded stated that they support/participate in any FTC fundraising activities
· 50% of those that do not support/participate stated that they have no interest
Common feedback provided:
· Clearly identify what fundraisers are driven by FTC and those that are not
· More family oriented activities for families to do together
· More getting to know each other events
· Mother daughter activities
· Be open to new ideas
· Flexible meeting times
· Make volunteer hours mandatory
All great feedback and information gathered from this survey! Some issues brought up are easily addressed or can be addressed by better informing our members; which we intend to do. As a show of appreciation to everyone we will have some light refreshments and snacks at our meeting. We look forward to seeing you all on the 13th and reviewing our events and fundraisers as well as hearing all your great new ideas for the upcoming school year!