Fr Ryan Blessing Classrooms!
The first week of school Fr. Ryan came over and blessed each of our classrooms including the library, gym and main office. Thank you Fr. Ryan for a wonderful experience!
The first week of school Fr. Ryan came over and blessed each of our classrooms including the library, gym and main office. Thank you Fr. Ryan for a wonderful experience!
The second grade students in Ms. Anderson’s class are exploring the new iPads purchased by our school over the summer!
The students in Ms. Anderson’s second grade room are exploring their new ipads which were purchased by our school over the summer!
Join us for Welcome Back Day in the gym Thursday, August 18th from 4-7PM. Athletics, FTC, and Hawktoberfest will be there. Teachers will be in the rooms for a meet and greet and you can […]
Here are the supply lists for this year. They are also under the admission and tuition page. Grades 6-8 Supply List 5th Grade Supply List 4th Grade Supply List 3rd Grade Supply List 2nd Grade […]
Gym Uniform Orders If you missed the gym uniform try-on there is still time to order! Email your complete order forms to Preferred method of payment is venmo to @stlinusftc. If you need to make […]
The end of the 2021-2022 School year was chock full of events and accomplishments. Concerts, Soccer championships, picnics and graduations! What a great year it was.
If you would like to sponsor our wonderful Hawktoberfest here is the link to the forms. 2022 sponsor levels (1)
Here is the link to the Hawktoberfest 22 T-shirt! Get your orders in soon. Hfest tshirt order form 2022 Final (1)
Copyright © St. Linus School | 10400 S. Lawler Ave. Oak Lawn, IL 60453 | (708) 425-1656