What do you know about anteaters?
Mrs. O’Connell’s 2nd graders enjoy helping each other discover fascinating facts and details about anteaters.
Mrs. O’Connell’s 2nd graders enjoy helping each other discover fascinating facts and details about anteaters.
There are shadow days and an open house for interested Junior High girls. open house flyer (1) shadow flyer_columbus
3rd grade has been learning about balanced and unbalanced forces in science they took part in tug of war to see if they had a balanced or unbalanced force among one another! Turns out we have […]
The first day of Fall calls for apple tasting in Kindergarten!! The students tasted red, green and yellow apples and graphed their favorites! There was a tie in Room 13 between red delicious and Granny […]
Our Hawks of the Week are Mara Kennedy (K), Justin Nguyen (K), Niall Gallagher (6)
Well Hawktoberfest was a huge success! The entertainment, food and company were first rate. A big thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make Hawktoberfest a success. The committee and all the wonderful […]
A new youth club for children ages 10-14 interested in participating in club volleyball this upcoming season. Cityside Open House Flyer (1)
The Oak Lawn Fire Department is holding a car seat Event on September 21st. 2019 CPS Flyer
Copyright © St. Linus School | 10400 S. Lawler Ave. Oak Lawn, IL 60453 | (708) 425-1656