Complete Sentences for the win!

Finishing up with our Kindergarten Grammar review, Room 15 learned about what makes up a complete sentence.  The students used their prior knowledge of the parts of speech (nouns, verbs, and adjectives) to put together complete sentences today.   The students used our example, The _______ dog _________, to create their own exciting and complete sentence! Once finished, the sentences were then broken down into subjects and predicates. Each student answered the question, Who are we talking about? and What did they do?


About Margaret Hayes 754 Articles
I am upbeat and experienced educator who began as an elementary school teacher with Chicago Public Schools, and 14 years as an administrator at Queen of Peace High School and Maria High School before becoming the principal of St. Cletus Catholic School in La Grange, IL. I'm a St. Linus Alum, from the class of 1976. It's great to be home, and a GREAT day to be a Hawk!
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