STEAM is an educational movement that engages students in integrated learning as they explore the world around them, create innovative solutions to problems, and communicate their results while learning Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. STEAM is more than the individual subjects. It is the intentional integration of core content with art inspiring all students to think deeply, develop creative solutions, and aspire to a greater future.
STEAM can help make good education better. The STEAM framework, like steam itself, can fit anywhere and take innumerable shapes, and, if used purposefully, can be a very powerful and enjoyable tool for teaching and learning any level of any topic.
- S-T-E-M with the A includes;
- Sharing knowledge with communication and language arts, ‘voice’ – impact, power, legacy
- A working knowledge of manual and physical arts, including how-to and fitness,
- Better understanding the past and present cultures and aesthetics through the fine arts,
- Rhythmic and emotional use of math with the musical arts,
- Understanding sociological developments, human nature and ethics with the liberal arts…
The FTC has been working hard all summer to put together classes the children will not only learn from, but also enjoy. Please complete the ASE Fall 2017 form and return to the school office by 9/22/17 with payment (cash or check made out to FTC) or arrange credit card payment with Ms Wojnowski (mwojnowski@stlinusschool.org) for photography class.
Fall 2017 schedule:
- Creative Writing Club (Grade 4-8) Participants will write and share short stories, poems, essays, etc, on different topics each week. Mondays in the Library (no class 10/9) $10 per child https://www.eventbrite.com/e/creative-writing-tickets-36119615743
- Sports Photography (Grade 5-8) Does your student love sports, photography and have access to a DSLR camera? If so this club is just for them! Here they will learn how to program their camera and properly use it. Fridays in the Art Room (no class 10/6) $50 per child https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sports-photography-tickets-36147827124
- Let’s Code It (Grade 2-8) The fun filled curriculum stresses critical thinking, creativity, confidence, teamwork, and problem solving skills to prepare them for the 21st century and beyond. Class topics include video game design, loops, control structure, conditional expressions, control statements, object oriented design concepts, data structures and variables, and mathematical expressions. Thursdays in the Cardiff Center $83 per child (max 33)-Please use this link for the Code It! class and pay them directly. St Linus School – Fall 2017 – Let’s Code It – The Digital Dimension Flyer COLOR
ALL students participating in the Creative Writing Class and Sports Photography class also need to be registered online through EventBrite (link in descriptions above). This is the system we will be using for emergency contact info, classroom information, and after class pick up. You do not need to use EventBrite for the Code It! class.
Introducing Hawk Eye!! Students that participate in the creative writing class, photography class and art class will have an opportunity to select pieces of their works for publication in the magazine. Magazines will be available for purchase for $5 at the end of the school year