Grades 2-8
Let’s Code It – The Digital Dimension. Learn to #code with Afterschool Enrichment Solutions! Both new and returning participants are welcome. This course will immerse students in the world of computer programming. Your child will have the opportunity to design games, explore animation, and combine music and art with coding. This class uses the block-based programming system Scratch, which was developed by the MIT Media Lab to teach programming concepts. Topics covered include event handling, coordinates, conditional statements, user interface design, variables, logic statements, and synchronization. In addition to teaching programming skills, this course will also nurture students’ creativity and problem-solving skills. No previous experience is necessary, just a desire to learn and have gigabytes of fun! Each participant will receive an award on the last day of the session, and will have the opportunity to earn Code Belts by demonstrating their learned skills!
St Linus School – Fall 2018 – Let’s Code It – The Digital Dimension Flyer COLOR