Nothing like a good noisy thunderstorm to announce the arrival of Spring! A reminder that all coaches need to complete the Mandated Reporter Training in order to be a coach. The March family Mass is Sunday, March 24th at 10:30. Hope to see you there. Stations of the Cross are every Friday we are in school at 2:00PM in the church. Ladies Guild Hot Lunch is March 29th and is Barracos. The Buona Lunch ordering site is open with lunches until the end of the school year. Library projects and Accelerated Reader points have been assigned to the students for the 3rd Trimester. Please check the newsletter, library blog or your child for information. Tuesday, March 19th the students can dress down in red in honor of St. Joseph’s Day. On Friday, March 22nd any student who has a Linus Conquers Cancer shirt can dress down and wear that shirt. Aspire Testing for grades 3-8 begins on April 1st-April 5th. Please make sure your student gets a good night’s sleep each night and eats a healthy breakfast. Remember that any student that is late on testing days will miss the test, have to sit in the office all morning and will take the test during retakes. It is imperative that everyone is on time and present each day of the test. Enjoy your long weekend and be ready for the race to the end of the year. It will certainly keep us on our toes.