SAVE THE DATE!!! Our Spring Fundraiser will be held on Saturday, May 5, 2018 from 7-11pm and we need to start planning now!
Our fundraisers are not just for social time with parents and friends, they are for the much-needed funds, to keep our children growing and thriving in school. Unlike many other schools in the area that do one LARGE fundraiser, St Linus does three smaller ones, which includes the Hawktoberfest, Turkey Trot, and our Spring Parents Only fundraiser. This spring fundraiser is done to fund our music program. Without this fundraiser, the kids would lose their music teacher and their music program. So let’s keep the music playing!!!
So in keeping with the music theme, this year we’re hosting the “St Linus Hawky Tonk Country Fest”. We are excited to welcome the Suburban Cowboy’s to be the headlining band (https://www.suburbancowboysband.com/). Please “like” their page on FB!! Southern Comfort foods, drinks, games, raffles, and silent auctions will be included (we have more ideas to come!!!!). This year’s profits will go to keep our music program.
We are in the early stages of planning and are looking for volunteers who would like to help. We are all extremely busy parents, so if you could find something within this event that fits you, please don’t hesitate to contact us and tell us your zone of genius. We need you!!!
We are having our first planning meeting 10/23/17 at 7pm in the Cardiff Center. All are welcome (and encouraged!) to attend. Looking for parents to help with: Food, Drinks, Décor, Marketing, Fundraising, Games, Connections to news media, social media , Photographer/Videographer, Lawn Signs, Sell Tuition Tickets, Classroom Projects for auction, and probably more…
Please email stlinushawkytonk@gmail.com with any questions.
St Linus Hawky Tonk 2018 Committee