Hello St. Linus Families! Get ready to kick off another school year with Welcome Back Day! This year it will be held on August 17 from 4-7 pm in the Cardiff Center.
Meet Teachers
Pre-K thru 5th grade teachers will be in their classrooms for students to meet and drop off their supplies.
Classroom lists will be posted in the Cardiff Center.
Gym uniforms and Hawktoberfest shirts can be picked up. If you didn’t get your Hawktoberfest order in on time no worries!! They’ll have extra on hand to purchase that night. They will also have a volunteer sign up sheet available, so help out if you can! We will also have a uniform exchange. Bring your old uniforms your kids have outgrown and exchange them with others.
The FTC will have samples of the Fan Cloth spirit wear as well as fresh out of the oven Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough samples to try!
Sports Signups
SLAC will be there for any kids that still need to sign up for Fall Sports.
Girls Scout and Boy Scout representatives will be there to help you navigate signing up.
Membership Drive for Parish Clubs
As always the St Linus Parents Clubs/Groups will be on hand to answer any questions you may have and to help you complete any membership paperwork. These clubs/groups include the Men’s Club, Ladies Guild, and of course the FTC!
Save on Tuition by Signing up with SCIP
A representative from the SCIP will also be there to help new and old families alike navigate participating in the program.