St Linus FTC Welcome Back Day
August 21, 2018
4pm-7pm Cardiff Center
Hello St. Linus Families! Get ready to kick off another school year with Welcome Back Day!
- Pre-K thru 5th grade teachers will be in their classrooms for students to meet and drop off their supplies
- Classroom lists will be posted in the Cardiff Center
- Gym uniforms and Hawktoberfest shirts can be picked up
- Hawktoberfest will have extra shirts on hand to purchase that night, but supply is limited. They will also have a volunteer sign up sheet available, so help out if you can!
- The FTC will have a table with information about all this years events and volunteer sign up sheets.
- SLAC will be there to answer any questions about Fall Sports
- Girls Scout and Boy Scout representatives will be there to help you navigate signing up
- Last but not least Uniform exchange. Bring your old uniforms your kids have outgrown and exchange them with others